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The longer Simpsons goes on the more episodes there are that are just like “oh this is just the premise for a King of the Hill episode but it’s not as good”

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD I’m so fucking ready for the new Godspeed You album aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Y’all ever think about the BlackBerry Passport and just chuckle?

US politics and transphobia 

Absolutely pathetic and disgusting that the amendment to remove funding from schools that DON’T discriminate against trans kids was closer to being a reality on A COVID RELIEF BILL than the fucking $15 minimum wage raise

“Late era Simpsons does a rap parody of The Great Gatsby” is an extremely cursed phrase

How is the US even a country this is fucking pathetic

It is still fucking BAFFLING to me that Tumblr used to let people edit any/ALL of the text of a post you reblogged

Selfie, not quite eye contact 

Hello I’m cold and tired pls give cuddles

Fuck I’m EXHAUSTED feeling and just so tired

I’m getting more and more into yellow as a fashion color

Covid, (+++++) 


Guy that calls his iPod his “physical copy of his digital music”

Food shitpost 

The pepperoni, pepperoni. You know the pepperoni? The no one?

Gonna get extremely into bonsai now that I’m 30 that feels right

(BotW is boring as heck and not a good game and if Pokémon eventually becomes that as the “main” series I’ll probably just stop playing Pokémon)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!