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re: Food 

Alright cool now I chill them and I’ll make all these guys on Monday night

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Food, meme 

Evie, it’s 11 at night why are you prepping cookie dough?

Anyone have any queer tattoo artists they like up in Seattle/pnw area you’ve gone too?
I’m PROBABLY gonna be up there in July and I crave a new tattoo

We have officially caught up with all of The Simpsons
All 32 seasons

Does Gene Munster still talk about a TV made by Apple?


Just had a pack of this soup and my face and lips are still tingling and I’m light headed ama

Oof, do I REALLY want to watch the not-Morrissey episode of Simpsons?


Did two different espresso shots this morning
The first one is a whiskey barrel aged coffee from Chromatic that I had at the cafe itself so I knew what I was getting into. A bit smokey, but still sweet with some of that sharp whiskey aftertaste. Very enjoyable.
The second was an Ethiopian coffee from Olympia. This one is like a very delicate peach green tea. Very sweet, a little biter, very lite in my mouth. Both of them absolutely delicious

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!