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[extremely villainess voice] “Measly wife, measly life”

Donate to my Patreon so I can buy an Austin Powers ccg 30 booster pack box off Amazon

Gun mention 

I wonder if they’ll be ok with my huge button that has a picture of an ak and says “Arm trans women”

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The plot of SMT5 is just “I want that twink obliterated!”

Good god y’all’s
Coffee is so good uwu

Feeling like the last 45 seconds of I Know The End by Phoebe Bridgers

Black lipstick is 100% the hottest lipstick color full stop

Oh my god OK KO did a 12oz Mouse reference?????
I can’t believe I slept on OK KO for so long T-T

I still don’t know WHY I would need this type of speed but I mean, I have it now I guess?

So I switched from Fi to Verizon today since Fi on an iPhone ISNT the best experience and lmao
This was walking to Chromatic to get some coffee, there’s 5Guw on like 90% of the walk

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!