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re: Clothes selfie (no face) 

It even has pockets big enough for my 12 pro max

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I’ve cleaned up the backyard and now it’s time to have a Moscow mule*

*technically NOT a Moscow mule since I’m not drinking it out of a copper cup but it has the ingredients so :p

Noooooo Japanese Style Originator isn’t on Netflix anymore??????

My Coco and ELITE MIKO plush are gonna be shipped out soon owo


[extremely Carly Rae Jepsen voice]
es • tro • gen

Time for the same post I do every time I get a refill

me scooting along in my maid dress with my shoes that say “here comes a special bun”

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the “Here comes a special boy” panel should be the new oc art meme

re: Alcohol 

This company makes like some of my favorite ciders they’re all delicious
I have a marionberry one for tomorrow as well

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I’m so exhausted and need to just destress and blech
Wanna cuddle but in a kink way

Good god I finally have a day off tomorrow

Online tech reviewers: Maybe MS will stop doing the “good/bad” cycle of Windows updates with Windows 11
Windows 11: Fuck you buy a new computer

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semi-charmed kind of wife, semi-charmed kind of life

This is the face of someone that hasn’t had dinner yet

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!