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Just drove past a parked car that had “It’s my 21st birthday but me a drink” and her cashapp ID written on the back window with a big chalk pen

Enter Capitol Hill and it immediately smells like weed and there are rainbow flags every

Meet me @ Analog Coffee in the next 30 minutes for an ass hugging

God bless you Seattle, time for one of my favorite things after such a miserable experience

The audience I expected: ah yes I will go see Bo Burnham Inside in a theater with other 30 something depressed people that want an introspective comedy experience in a theater
The actual audience: teenage terminally online theater kids that want a singalong call and response movie where they woo at every chance and say the punchlines before they are actually said

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Wow I really misjudged the type of person that would want to go see Inside in a theater
That was the most miserable movie experience I’ve ever had good lord

God the amount of openly trans/queer people in Seattle + Portland gives me life


Hot fuck I got chicken and waffles for late lunch/early dinner at Fat’s and it may have been the best chicken and waffles I’ve ever had

Covid stuff while traveling 

It’s so weird like
I know Portland is pretty liberal and I’m sure a lot of people are pro vaccine but man
The bar we went to last night was PACKED, FULLY PACKED NO EMPTY SEATS and no one had a mask on and just
It felt so weird

Did you know that more bridges live in Portland than people?

Tired: going to Japan for the nerd culture
Wired: going to Japan for the bidet culture

re: Alcohol 

Also right njmsber 3 I can’t really focus my eye was they just kinda moeeep I rating when I stop moving them oaks extremely down for tkdnithhrt Giana asleep very much sleep

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!