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Might stream Hades in some spare time since it’s on easily streamable consoles for me

Just saw three people walking at Santana Row in San Jose, two with QVP face masks and one with the trans QVP face mask 👀
I do not know whomst on here that was (or if y’all are even in here) but hello I saw you cool masks

Clothes selfie (no face) 

It’s tank top season baybee

re: Kink posting 

ship dynamic: bratty snobby bimbo-y cheerleader hypnosub pet and her big titty witchy hypnodomme gf

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re: Kink posting 

Big titty hypnosub goth gf for big titty hypnodomme goth gf

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Kink posting 

God I need me a big titty goth hypnodomme gf


I think I’ve finally landed on burritos being the most perfect food now

🎶 Gay Dean, Gay Dean, Gay Dean GAAAAAY DEEEEEAN 🎶

Jason Mantzoukas yelling at Chang is one of the funniest things in any season of Community

Having to make horrible “coffee” drinks for piece of garbage customers at Sbux is starting to grind my soul again and I’m very close to wanting to leave

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!