Episode 3 didn’t REALLY help with making me sympathize with them more but there’s still more episodes for another night
US pol, oh god why are you people like this
Please someone for the love of god stop cis gay white dems
“Gay White Men Stop Saying ‘yas kween’”Challenge 2020
“Gay White Men Please Fucking Care About What People With Less Privilege Have To Say” challenge
Apple vs Epic
Look, monopoly stuff aside but like, going around Apple’s stuff after explicitly agreeing to not do it knowing what would happen is just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The virgin “Don’t email my wife!” guy vs. the Chad “I punched a shark to save my wife!” guy
John K (creator of Ren & Stimpy) related
I think he’s trying to brigade people (myself included) by quote tweeting them but he doesn’t have enough followers for it so no one has gotten in my mentions 😎
John K (creator of Ren & Stimpy) related
So I’ve had a few chuds in my mentions the last few days and I’ll I’ve been saying to them is things like “lol” or “lmao” when they try to get me all riled up and angry
Just now that “John K Respecter” guy was in my mentions so all I said was “lmaopedo” and he immediately quote tweeted and then blocked me. What a sensitive snow flake, can’t handle a pedophile being called a pedophile boohoo
This is a GitHub repository containing the source code of Pokémon Red and Blue, disassembled and refactored to human-readable (and editable!) asm.
While the code is refactored, its functionality is untouched, and the ROMs you built with this code will be identical to the one that is on US Pokémon Red or Blue cartridge.
It is a really cool and interesting project!
A living sin against aesthetics | Coffee Warlock | She/They |
Discord @ evie#6053