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Borat 2 wasn’t quite what I was expecting?
Like, it definitely was based on the trailer but also a lot better than that?

borat 2 

The perverts would have to be medical professionals

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Catching legendary Pokémon fucking sucks

She hates being held but she had no problem wearing the tie

buny gf boosted

The Mr. Plow jacket is probably the best piece of Simpsons clothing

The best part is is that as far as I can tell this WASNT from some bot or spam account, but from a genuine account that just happened to be a Dr. Who fan account?

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I’m not gonna get to go up to Seattle this year and seeing a bunch of people on Twitter talking about the weather that happened up there today got me in such a such a funk I wanna go up there

The only “good” thing about Quibi was the gold arm thing

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I’m constantly surprised at how divisive natural processes coffees are it’s kinda wild

boy that clear iphone 12 series clear case sure is ugly as fuck

The real controversy with the iphone 12 ISN’T that it doesn’t have a charging brick anymore, it’s that since the boxes are smaller you only get ONE Apple sticker instead of TWO

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!