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Skinner loves cuddling up close and stealing my body heat but she doesn’t like being pet too much so I’m just constantly being teased with the possibility of letting soft cat

I’m gonna be INSUFFERABLE when this gets here I’m sorry I’m advance

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Apple hurry and deliver my M U S I C O R B

Some kids did some silly string fighting in the walkway where our apartment is and didn’t clean like any of it up that’s cool 🙃

Juicero was one of the rings for me that like, trying to explain to someone that wasn’t as online as you made you sound absolutely ridiculous

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Y’all remember how wild it was to be online when Juicero happened?

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coffee (and cat) 

I wasn’t joking it’s iced coffee time

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It is 2C right now and yet I’m like “it’s a good morning for iced coffee”

Discord is rip?
How can I talk to my cuties?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!