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Sappy gay stuff 

Gosh heck how can I be dating people that are so cute and good what the heck??????
How is that even possible?????
Absolutely so good cuties

Hey, dude, like, why don’t we sue Best Buy?

When I eventually actualize and design my piggy sona she’s gonna be a black and white spotted pig so she also looks cow-ish

Kink (??????) creepy internet dude 

I have introduced Lan to the the forbidden knowledge of Human Pet Guy

God they really loved torturing marge and making their marriage be extra horrible in these seasons leading to the movie
It’s so exhausting having every few episodes be “oh no is their marriage over because Homer is a piece of garbage to Marge?????? No, it’s fine, they’re fine, Marge will just be miserable again on 3 episodes don’t worry”

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We’ve hit the end of Simpsons season 18 so that means there’s one thing to do before season 19

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I just

tfw you name your own price for a bunch of the Mountain Goats albums on Bandcamp

UUUUGAGSJHDGAHS I’m so tired I slept awful last night bleh

oOf Hades is ruining my thumbs right now


Ayyyyyy Christmas gift from a friend

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!