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okay i've had enough Discourse for the night time to curl up with book and ice cream.

ableist slurs, discourse 

@Aerdan Illogical, untruthful, poorly thought out. In plenty of cases they're just flat out lies and should be called such. "That makes no sense" is a great one. Bullshit is good. Basically things attacking logical fallacies and untruths are good. Things attacking intelligence and sanity are not. I say sanity because, as a psychotic person, I refuse to be lumped in with those who spew hate and vitriol. Especially since many are neurotypical & *not psychotic*

words have power.

think about what you're going to say. think about what you're doing, and the effects it will have.

don't be afraid to escalate if you must. but... to immediately jump to maximum force removes the option of descalating.

we're all human.

@LottieVixen Varies by casino, entirely due to alcohol laws. Gambling as a whole is legal in 18.

Also in Champaign, IL you can get into bars at 19 but can't get alcohol til 21. Not sure if that holds true anywhere else.

@LottieVixen Rent a car, in some places. I'm not actually sure about any others. It's like... 99% drinking.

ableist slurs, discourse 

Since I ran out of characters, I had one last thing to say.

Flaming and attacking a single person for a problem with an institution gets us nowhere. Like. Don't send hate. It's not worth your time.

It's better to not give hate a voice. Really. If you're an admin and you don't want hateful ideology spread (or even just certain slurs said), that's when you block and you ban and you say "we don't tolerate this here."

Don't send hate. There's more effective ways.

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ableist slurs, discourse 

Take two, since brainfog.

I would love love love if people would take a step back and stop insulting each other holy fuck.

I am one of the people who is hurt by words like stupid and crazy. I will mute ppl in a heartbeat if they won't change their language to accommodate.

And if someone chooses to use them when they know it hurts? Sending hate isn't gonna stop them. They're not worth your time or mine.

That is what the mute/block button is for.

why must Discourse exist I just want to meme in peace

animal death, pet death yep. it's a time. they live mostly in my room though so it's easy to keep an eye on them.

animal death, pet death my pet rabbits dying. one of my worst fears. fortunately we take good care of them so it's unlikely to happen for another seven or eight years.

@TSU50R1 discriminatory/prejudiced against disabled folks, be it ppl w mental illness, physical, cognitive, developmental disabilities, etc. yup there was a theater that did that near us. we saw guardians of the galaxy 2 there and were Confused™

@woozle romantic orientation is a thing that a lot of ace folks will use, if that's what you mean. so like an ace that has romantic attraction to folks of two or more genders could call themself a biromantic ace, if that answers your question.

a fake corporate instance that just has a ton of fake brand accounts for brands that both do and do not exist


Rowan's trying to explain to me that you can fuck up and really really hurt ppl and still be good and worthy of love. All I have to say on the matter is "sounds fake but okay."

us: makes a Pinterest so we can all have boards of our aesthetics
jay: ditches that concept entirely, turns his board into a compilation of various ref sheets.

back reading everything there is to know about the SAYER season two puzzle cause I am a giant sucker for this stuff and desperately, desperately want there to be another puzzle like it someday.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!