come on guys you are supposed to tell me I don't have an ugly face. I mean you've never seen me but you have to make that leap of faith otherwise you're being rude.

Show thread

to mark the end of Pride Month I thought I would post a picture of myself I took at Edinburgh Pride this year, the first year I've ever attended but then I thought I will be doxed for having an ugly fucking face.

@endrift what does this mean? Will people on m.s not be able to see our posts?

UK folks, my pals at A New Normal are doing a survey about inclusion in the workplace. If you have a spare 10 minutes and have ever had a job, please add your expereinces. And if you are not UK, or have never had a job, please share the link.

Logging back in after a l o n g absence to find that my previous server is being shut down.
Luckily the sound made by notifications, which I can only compare to a bubble of marsh gas escaping a swamp, still works on this server.
Also it has a cooler name.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!