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Become the thiccbold you wish to see in the world

Sometimes I forget people choose light mode. Like, on purpose

Oh no my gf is trying to get me into

Those xenos looking pretty fun not gonna lie...

Wait do centaurs get regular hoof trims or if they are active enough does that wear them down enough naturally?

I should probably get better attic access I can't imagine it'd be easy descending a ladder in hooves

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At the end of this month long break I'll be ready for a centaur to burst out of my attic to tell me I am the chosen one and take me on an epic quest

Proper computer poster is my legs crossed on my chair for 4 hours until lunch break

I have no hands I have paws
I have no nails I have claws

Top 3 favorite things players love
1. Electrum conversion
2. Tracking encumbrance
3. Counter-spelling their healing spells

lewd humor 

They say stop while you're ahead, not while you're giving it

HerGaiety boosted

#AlpineJS + #11ty is pretty fantastic. Being able to easily spin up a website with reasonably complex state with no transpilation step required feels like magic.

HerGaiety boosted

Have the banks considered eating less avocado toast?

I cast Detect Surveillance with the verbal component "Alexa Okay Google"

If you roll me a d20 and tell me what number you rolled, I'll tell you what number you rolled

I imagine we won't need any additional seasoning when we eat the rich

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!