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The main thing preventing me from committing gay crimes is my anxiety

So is everyone just... Fine with the idea that Facebook made React?

HerGaiety boosted

Note: there’s people who like to use Unicode math subscript to add “fonts” to their posts.
I’d like to ask people here to avoid doing that as depending on the screen reader it won’t be read because of missing math context; or it will be read as a string of Unicode identifiers.

Hearing a long string of something like “mathematical lower case cursive letter u mathematical lower case cursive letter w mathematical lower case cursive letter u” for your fancy flavour text is not fun for people who need screen readers due to impaired vision, learning disabilities or who are blind.

For work I think I'll internet search my software engineering questions on Ask Jeeves from now on

Trans guys can have smootches if they like, as a treat

I didn't always have a boob shelf, I like the extra storage

@dangeousenby oops read the toot, adorable new pfp ya genderless cutie

Serious distaste for photo gallery apps by default analyzing my photos, that isn't your job

Quantum entanglement is a prime example of unhealthy codependent relationships, you never can meaningfully describe either one's independent state smh

Your coat is looking luscious and your scales are shining bright

AI ethics good and bad thread 

Want to learn more about AI ethics? I recommend Robert Miles on YouTube

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AI ethics good and bad thread 

Bad: In contrast, Microsoft finished an AI product and then immediately fired their entire AI ethics team.

Strangely, I think it is interesting they even had a team to begin with. Lots of companies don't even think AI ethics is necessary, when in my opinion it is paramount. But ethics doesn't make money I guess...

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AI ethics good and bad thread 

Good: Adobe Firefly... I can't believe I'm about to congratulate them but, here it goes! They only train their image generation content based on opted-in content they explicitly have permission and the rights too.

People have critiqued that Adobe is falling behind on AI. And it's because they are doing it ethically, the right way, get over it lol. I applaud them.

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AI ethics good and bad thread 

Bad: All of this, and in the end the best we can hope for is

It's possibly even worse to have inaccurate captions than no captions at all. These tools often get words, grammar, and punctuation wrong. They don't understand acronyms or the names of products. They will misspell someone's name or not understand neopronouns. Sometimes they even attribute what was said to the wrong person. This hurts everyone consuming the transcript.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!