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SWIMR00C.ICO - Activity, Sport

...Archer, Biker, Diver, Fisher, Gymnast, Runner, Skier, Teams

CREDT04A.ICO - Daily, Money

...Cash, Cheques, Credit cards, Currency Signs, Gems, Gold

DRAW01D.ICO - Equipment, Art Tool

...Brush, Crayon, Draft, Draw, Fill, Paint, Pencil, Trace

SHELL01C.ICO - Animate, Bodybit

...Brain, Claws, Eyes, Faces, Prints, Shells, Skulls, Tails

BLOCK01D.ICO - Activity, Toybox

...Balloons, Blocks, Kites, Puzzles, Snowmen, Teddy Bears

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!