the art of virtual litter
"(" in subcategory = branded icons
not affiliated with the original iconolog or afactor
CANDL01A.ICO - Equipment, Lights
...Bulbs, Candles, Fire, Lights, Torchs
ARABC23A.ICO - Language, Numbers
SKULL01C.ICO - Animate, Bodybit
...Brain, Claws, Eyes, Faces, Prints, Shells, Skulls, Tails
PANE16B.ICO - Fronts, Panes in windows
VIDEO00B.ICO - Equipment, Camera
...Cameras, Clappers, Projectors, Vidcams
MODTL01J.ICO - Comms, Modem
##COMMS.ICO - Comms, Comms
COPY03H.ICO - System, Utilities
.....Compress, Copy, Debug, View
SIMPS00I.ICO - Animate, Simpsons Plus
. Friends & Associates
TPROF2A.ICO - Branded, (System
Q&E1B.ICO - Branded, (Wordprocessors & Editors
SSHIP13C.ICO - Transport, Space
...Enterprise, Launches, Starships, Tardis, Ufos, Warp
MERCURY.ICO - Transport, Car Makes
BUOY00A.ICO - Transport, Water
...Anchors, Props, Sextants, Ships, Submarines, Yachts
BARTBLAK.ICO - Animate, Simpsons
...En famille
#NUM00A.ICO - Language, Numbers
BMW.ICO - Transport, Car Makes
MAILB01B.ICO - Comms, Mail
Q&E0C.ICO - Branded, (Wordprocessors & Editors
ENTRP05B.ICO - Transport, Space
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!