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LAUNC01F.ICO - Transport, Space

...Enterprise, Launches, Starships, Tardis, Ufos, Warp

TARDS01A.ICO - Transport, Space

...Enterprise, Launches, Starships, Tardis, Ufos, Warp

DEBUG03E.ICO - System, Utilities

.....Compress, Copy, Debug, View

BOOKS09A.ICO - Data, Library

...Books, Newspapers, Reference

TANK02F.ICO - Transport, Paths &

...Bikes, Crane, Hovercraft, Prams, Tanks, Trolleys

IDEA00B.ICO - Activity, Activity

...Dance, Garden, Gesture, Hold, Point, Read, Talk, Write

SSHIP02E.ICO - Transport, Space

...Enterprise, Launches, Starships, Tardis, Ufos, Warp

LNING04B.ICO - Daily, Weather

...Clouds, Lightning, Season, Snow, Storm, Sunshine

TIDE.ICO - Daily, Weather

...Clouds, Lightning, Season, Snow, Storm, Sunshine

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!