Show newer

STOPW01G.ICO - Daily, Time

...Calenders, Clocks, Hourglasses, Night & Day, Watches

DIE01D.ICO - Activity, Gamble

...Chips, Die, Pokies, Roullette, Spinning Wheel

MORF00B.ICO - Fronts, Convert Files

...Buttonbars, Buttonpads, Buttons, Slides

XRATE01A.ICO - Animate, Xrated

...Self evident, if you might be offended, don't look.

VIEW09B.ICO - System, Utilities

.....Compress, Copy, Debug, View

WORKR01D.ICO - Activity, Workers

...Artist, Astronaut, Detective, Fighter, Medic, Pirate, Wiz

XRATE01F.ICO - Animate, Xrated

...Self evident, if you might be offended, don't look.

Show older
Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!