the art of virtual litter
"(" in subcategory = branded icons
not affiliated with the original iconolog or afactor
PC17B.ICO - System, Pc's
RUNNR00C.ICO - Activity, Sport
...Archer, Biker, Diver, Fisher, Gymnast, Runner, Skier, Teams
NZ0B.ICO - Graphics, Flags
ARITH03A.ICO - Language, Mathematical
...Angles, Arithmetic, Count, Maths, Percents, Theories
HORSE02A.ICO - Animate, Animals
SCANR03B.ICO - Equipment, Office
...Calc, Copy, Scan, Type, Desks, Desk Stuff
FAX04B.ICO - Comms, Fax
OLDS.ICO - Transport, Car Makes
KEYBD01A.ICO - Equipment, Music
FIGHT02E.ICO - Activity, Workers
...Artist, Astronaut, Detective, Fighter, Medic, Pirate, Wiz
SABDU.ICO - Branded, (Utilities
MMCON09A.ICO - Fronts, Control MM
...Toolbar Icons
BUTTN17A.ICO - Fronts, Control System
PLNTR00B.ICO - Daily, Furnish & Decorate
MINES1A.ICO - Branded, (Games
IRAN.ICO - Graphics, Flags
TETRS03E.ICO - Branded, (Games
}RIP.ICO - Language, Words
UFO00B.ICO - Transport, Space
...Enterprise, Launches, Starships, Tardis, Ufos, Warp
#GEOM02B.ICO - Graphics, Geometric Shapes
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!