the art of virtual litter
"(" in subcategory = branded icons
not affiliated with the original iconolog or afactor
WHALE00A.ICO - Animate, Marine
...Crabs, Dolphins, Fish, Sharks, Whales
CPU02B.ICO - System, Pc's
FOLDR15N.ICO - Data, Folders
DIE01A.ICO - Activity, Gamble
...Chips, Die, Pokies, Roullette, Spinning Wheel
PC37D.ICO - System, Pc's
MS4C.ICO - Branded, (Ms
SYS03B.ICO - System, System
.....Install, Memory, Ports, Setup
}HOST&.ICO - Comms, Comms
CHEQU00D.ICO - Daily, Money
...Cash, Cheques, Credit cards, Currency Signs, Gems, Gold
#ALPH04B.ICO - Language, Alphabet Sets
PYRAM01B.ICO - Graphics, Geometric Shapes
##SECURE.ICO - Equipment, Security
...Chests, Keys, Padlocks, Safes, Tills
DALEK.ICO - Animate, Generic
...Angels, Beings, Demons, Races, Robots
HURDL.ICO - Activity, Sport
...Archer, Biker, Diver, Fisher, Gymnast, Runner, Skier, Teams
TRASH07A.ICO - System, Trash it
LOGO04A.ICO - Branded, (Logos
ACCEL.ICO - Branded, (Branded
POLES02C.ICO - Comms, Telecom
....Aerials, Mobiles, Poles, Satellites, Telephones
{MAN.ICO - Animate, Human
GARDN00A.ICO - Activity, Activity
...Dance, Garden, Gesture, Hold, Point, Read, Talk, Write
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!