the art of virtual litter
"(" in subcategory = branded icons
not affiliated with the original iconolog or afactor
TELPD00B.ICO - Comms, Telecom
....Aerials, Mobiles, Poles, Satellites, Telephones
XTREE01C.ICO - Activity, Occasion
...Banner, B'day, Easter, Graduate, Party, Prize, Xmas
WIN1BC.ICO - Branded, (Ms
BARTMEX.ICO - Animate, Simpsons
...En famille
XRATE00G.ICO - Animate, Xrated
...Self evident, if you might be offended, don't look.
ARROW02G.ICO - Graphics, Arrows
ICNDO1A.ICO - Branded, (Art
MODTL02G.ICO - Comms, Modem
BUG02B.ICO - Animate, Insects & Microscopics
PCLAB.ICO - Branded, (Branded
ZAIRE.ICO - Graphics, Flagset
MODEM03F.ICO - Comms, Modem
XMEN1F.ICO - Animate, Famous
...From Akbar to Zug
BEING00T.ICO - Animate, Generic
...Angels, Beings, Demons, Races, Robots
PRINT42B.ICO - System, Printers
GAUGE02D.ICO - Equipment, Measure
...Compasses, Gauges, Jars, Radar, Rulers, Scales, Temp
ENVEL28B.ICO - Comms, Envelope
QUERY13A.ICO - Language, Punctuate
FILM04A.ICO - Data, Media
...CD, Film. Tape
HUGHHEF.ICO - Animate, Simpsons Plus
. Friends & Associates
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!