the art of virtual litter
"(" in subcategory = branded icons
not affiliated with the original iconolog or afactor
}7GAMES0.ICO - Activity, Toybox
...Balloons, Blocks, Kites, Puzzles, Snowmen, Teddy Bears
DRIVE25S.ICO - System, Drives
POT00B.ICO - Daily, Chattels
...Storage, Household, Personal Care
FAX01A.ICO - Comms, Fax
TREE02K.ICO - Daily, Nature
...Beaches, Flowers, Plants, Ponds, Scenic, Trees, Waves
CALC05A.ICO - Equipment, Office
...Calc, Copy, Scan, Type, Desks, Desk Stuff
PCCOM04A.ICO - Comms, Comms
KEY04A.ICO - Equipment, Security
...Chests, Keys, Padlocks, Safes, Tills
POKIE01D.ICO - Activity, Gamble
...Chips, Die, Pokies, Roullette, Spinning Wheel
REC02B.ICO - Comms, Telecom
....Aerials, Mobiles, Poles, Satellites, Telephones
SSHIP01B.ICO - Transport, Space
...Enterprise, Launches, Starships, Tardis, Ufos, Warp
123-0D.ICO - Branded, (Spreadsheets & Accounts
HEMI00A.ICO - Graphics, Geometric Shapes
CUBUFF.ICO - Activity, Sports Teams
DIE01H.ICO - Activity, Gamble
PRINT25A.ICO - System, Printers
...Check, Clipboard, Diary, Index, Notebook, Schedule, Teledesk
CRAYN02B.ICO - Equipment, Art Tool
...Brush, Crayon, Draft, Draw, Fill, Paint, Pencil, Trace
#CARD05D.ICO - Activity, Cardgame
.. Bridge, Cards, packs, Suites
FISH00A.ICO - Animate, Marine
...Crabs, Dolphins, Fish, Sharks, Whales
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!