the art of virtual litter
"(" in subcategory = branded icons
not affiliated with the original iconolog or afactor
MAILB01F.ICO - Comms, Mail
{PHONE.ICO - Comms, Telecom
....Aerials, Mobiles, Poles, Satellites, Telephones
PAPER02B.ICO - Equipment, Pen & Paper
LARRY.ICO - Branded, (Games
TEL03G.ICO - Comms, Telecom
{{R00B.ICO - Language, Alphabet
VIEW16A.ICO - System, Utilities
.....Compress, Copy, Debug, View
JPG-.ICO - Fronts, Convert Files
...Buttonbars, Buttonpads, Buttons, Slides
SIMPS04B.ICO - Animate, Simpsons Plus
. Friends & Associates
PRINT07B.ICO - System, Printers
DRIVE52Z.ICO - System, Drives
{WINDWS0.ICO - Branded, (Utilities
TARDS00B.ICO - Transport, Space
...Enterprise, Launches, Starships, Tardis, Ufos, Warp
TC4A.ICO - Branded, (System
CIG02B.ICO - Graphics, Signs
ATO0A.ICO - Branded, (Comms
#CZAR00P.ICO - Language, Characters
BEING00T.ICO - Animate, Generic
...Angels, Beings, Demons, Races, Robots
CAMER09E.ICO - Equipment, Camera
...Cameras, Clappers, Projectors, Vidcams
BARTASSO.ICO - Animate, Simpsons
...En famille
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!