the art of virtual litter
"(" in subcategory = branded icons
not affiliated with the original iconolog or afactor
^REDBARN.ICO - Language, Names
CAT01E.ICO - Animate, Animals
MODEM05B.ICO - Comms, Modem
4SHELL.ICO - Branded, (System
#ALPH02F.ICO - Language, Alphabet Sets
PERFM01A.ICO - Activity, Workers
...Artist, Astronaut, Detective, Fighter, Medic, Pirate, Wiz
TROLY00A.ICO - Transport, Paths &
...Bikes, Crane, Hovercraft, Prams, Tanks, Trolleys
#ALPH02T.ICO - Language, Alphabet Sets
DSK3-02C.ICO - Data, Disks 3.5
POINT20C.ICO - Fronts, Pointers
}ANSIVW0.ICO - Language, Codes
...Barcode, Braille, Code, Macro, Morse
SILOE06F.ICO - Animate, Human
BUTTN03B.ICO - Fronts, Control System
...Toolbar Icons
AIRBL00B.ICO - Transport, Air
LOGO02S.ICO - Branded, (Logos
NOTAT02D.ICO - Language, Notes
BIRD01C.ICO - Animate, Birds
H'WAY00A.ICO - Transport, Thruways
...Bridges, Rails, Roads, Runways, Tunnels
WIM.ICO - Branded, (Nla
POLARIS.ICO - Animate, Famous
...From Akbar to Zug
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!