the art of virtual litter
"(" in subcategory = branded icons
not affiliated with the original iconolog or afactor
}4PLAY0.ICO - Language, Words
CAR04A.ICO - Transport, Road
...Bowsers, Bus, Cars, Emergency Vehicles, Trucks, Tyres
KEYBD00A.ICO - Equipment, Music
BUTTN21B.ICO - Fronts, Control System
...Toolbar Icons
{{I03A.ICO - Language, Alphabet
COMET01A.ICO - Daily, Universe
...Comets, Earth, Moon, Planets, Space, Sun
DETCT01A.ICO - Activity, Workers
...Artist, Astronaut, Detective, Fighter, Medic, Pirate, Wiz
DSK3S00E.ICO - Data, Disks 3.5
VIKNG1A.ICO - Activity, Sports Teams
#GEOM02I.ICO - Graphics, Geometric Shapes
SB0A.ICO - Branded, (Branded
TRFFC06A.ICO - Transport, Signals
MAILB04F.ICO - Comms, Mail
{{I04D.ICO - Language, Alphabet
COOKI00A.ICO - Daily, Foods
NOTE08D.ICO - Language, Notes
#MATH01C.ICO - Language, Mathematical
...Angles, Arithmetic, Count, Maths, Percents, Theories
QUERY19C.ICO - Language, Punctuate
DRUM00C.ICO - Equipment, Music
PIG01A.ICO - Animate, Animals
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!