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i become a detective trying to hunt down fate media. why is chibichuki only translated on pinterest

the RUSH of joining a new game/picking up a new muse and then changing your layout to fit. nothing like it. my mgs/solid snake one really fucked imo

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i really loved plurk for full profile customization i have so many icons on my laptop for layouts there

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i need an icon that color matches the site otherwise i will go insane

i think assigning different composite parts of your brain neopets is a good way to go about that kind of thing

i got za[pped into a gray neopet you need to help me you need to give me a paintbrush

I might set up an in addition to my gumroad cus it seems more customisable and fun. I would like the people to be able to choose

Rhodes put the icon to cool bedivere and I think that’s cute

Bands should release more on cassette I have Chris Farren’s Born Hot and it’s cool as hell. I think we should bring it back. It’s cooler than vinyl.

Having functional content warnings :sans: hold up I got sans emoji

Emeto cw 

Oh god I sneezed and then almost threw up please no please survive

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!