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me: shouts "no!" when I am typing "calc" into the windows program searcher and it opens calculator instead of libreoffice calc

@cosmicrose oh noooo! i hope it ends up working well when u get that set up 🀞🀞🀞✨

@cosmicrose wow that's rly impressive o.o i actually didn't know event bus was a thing so ive been wondering for a while if something like that exists! have u found ur app to work well with the BitTorrent protocol?

@cosmicrose idk much about this kinda thing but that sounds cool as heck! ^^ how long've u been working on it?

is anyone here interested in the BitTorrent protocol? I've studied it a fair bit and I have a prototype BitTorrent client that is occasionally able to actually download stuff. I'd love to talk about it.

alc gross 

@casey my brain went straight to "mountain deuse", which probably doesn't help :<

@Petra i successfully evade all accountability by doing neither :bunhduwu:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!