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"im going to create a cat that is so big" - the creator of big the cat

made my first gameboy program! shown here running on real hardware 😎 #squarch (looks like a circle but counts as squarch because the circle is being drawn by the trail of a rotating square and also the gameboy screen is almost a square)

i think that appending "this one's a thinker" to your silly jokes can sometimes elevate them tbh

shout outs to yoko kuno one of my favoritest artists right now

he put his paw on my foot, i will never move this foot again

who's got two thumbs and has paws


*looks back and forth at paws, distressed*

Introduction. Weirdcore: multiple eyes, Object head 

Hi!!!!!!! I'm Daisy. Contrary to popular belief I'm not a robot (I think? Shhhh!). I'm a singer and also might be hiding a seraphim inside me, maybe not, definitely maybe! So excited to meet so many people and learn new things! ^w^

OOC info: 20 years old, uses she/her pronouns

i respect dragons so much like, as i cat i absolutely think they're so coool (β δΊΊβ β Β΄β βˆ€β ο½€β )⁠q⁠゚⁠+

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!