ant problem, boosts appreciated 

does anyone know what I can do against an ant infestation? for reference, they usually come in my appartment (at ground level) and swarm wherever a small crumb of food might fall on the ground. I tried to follow them to see what path they took, but I watched for 10 minutes and no path really emerged, they just carried the food to the wall and then nothing.

I tried spraying the general area where they came from with a commercial soap formula, as well as being very cautious about crumbs, but I always find one or two ants roaming about in the appartment. My theory is that they use the thin space between the wall and the floor to navigate around the house, but I don't know what to do to prevent them coming.

I'm going to contact my landlord to see if they can do something, but if anyone has an idea, please contact me.

A friend of mine who teaches elementary school, taught her class, “don’t yuck my yum”

It was like a class mantra, all the kids knew and understood the phrase. So, if a kid brought a bean burrito for lunch, and another kid said “gross! I hate beans” burrito-kid could just say “don’t yuck my yum”

It became the perfect phrase when one student liked something another student hated it. Quickly, it moved from the tangible (food, smells, textures) to the intangible (music, religion, quality)

By the end of the year “don’t tuck my yum” was woven into the culture of the class. They actually used the phrase LESS by then, because yuckers would check themselves before tearing anyone down.

And that class of second graders moved to third, secure in the knowledge that it’s ok to love the things you love, even if other people don’t.

Four years ago, I signed a contract with a vengeful demon and pledged her my first born child.

I haven't been able to get so much as a coffee date since then, let alone get laid, and the demon's starting to get really impatient with me. She keeps texting me dating advice. It's starting to get awkward.

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Laut Paragraf 12 des Luftsicherheitsgesetz dürfen Pilo­t*in­nen die erforderlichen Maßnahmen treffen, um eine im einzelnen Fall bestehende Gefahr für Personen an Bord des Luftfahrzeugs oder für das Luftfahrzeug selbst abzuwehren.

Pilot*innen der Lufthansa Group machten von diesem Recht im Jahr 2019 in 309 Fällen Gebrauch, sie verweigerten den Transport von Personen, die der Staat deportieren möchte.


i have knitted a lumpy pumpkin. i am going to dress up as a witch and throw him at people and say "PUMPKED". this is my dream

FYI If you misspell a word in Firefox and accidentally added it to the dictionary (now making the horror of your error permanent), you can follow these steps to get rid of it:

- Visit about:support

- Scroll down in the "Application Basics" until you see "Profile Folder"

- Open this folder and find "persdict.dat"

- Delete the word from this file

- Enjoy spelling perfection again

detransition rate

In this study there were 3,398 patients, 16 mentioned regret or detransition.

12 attribute this to social pressure, and only 3 de-transitioned with no intention to transition again.

That’s 3 people from a sample of 3,398 trans people.

That’s 0.088% of people sampled. Literally less than 1 in 1000 people seeking treatment to aid transition.

Therefore the successful treatment rate is 99.92% of people treated being trans, and happy with the results of treatment.

suck my farts transphobes.

Holy shit you guys! The #EU has adopted a standard to measure how repairable something is!

This means the path is now clear to make actual laws requiring companies to make their products repairable.

#EN45554 #Repair #RightToRepair

Is there a program that lets me choose css stuff for a website visually, with instant preview?

#BoostsWelcome #WebDesign I guess?

apropos of nothing specific, a PSA

You can be a man and wear dresses. You can just do that. You don't need to be non-binary, or trans, or gay, or any type of queer whatsoever, you can just be a man and wear a dress if you want. It Is Okay.

u know whats hot?
thanking ur partner for saying no and saying what they want.
positive affirmations y’all

Kennt eins einen leicht verständlichen, nicht zu langen und deutschen Infotext zum Thema Nicht-binäre Geschlechtsidentitäten? Am besten zum Internetausdrucken™.

Ich mag das Nichtbinär-Wiki zwar, aber es ist selbst für mich sehr holprig zu lesen, wirkt eher wie eine Liste und überhäuft einen mit 100 neuen Wörtern, was es für Leute schwierig macht, die sich damit noch gar nicht beschäftigt haben.

Ich hab jetzt nur den hier gefunden:

Gerne teilen, danke. :sparkles_nb:

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!