I'm thinking of getting a #laserMap of my skull done so the next time a company wants a #MyersBriggs, #DISC or whatever #corporateAstrology is on trend this week, I can offer to send the file so they can do some #phrenology while they're at it.

Reading at a Cafe (ca. 1920) by
Jane Peterson

She was one of New York City's most influential painters

But this technique might not work in any organization. It worked at Google because it maps to the cultural values of Google.

The homework for the folk in the audience, is to identify the cultural values of the organizations that they work for. The real cultural values. Not the stuff written in CEO manifestos or marketing fluff.

And then to form a strategy that works with that culture, instead of against it. Use that culture as a weapon for your cause!

Truths we have to hold in balance:

1. Logging onto a feed and seeing a bunch of anger and despair about current events can be real stressful. The issue isn't any one message, but the deluge, and how it takes over--and boundaries around that are good.

2. We cannot separate our communities from the world we in which we live, where "no politics" usually means "leave politicized aspects of your identity at the door" and "pretend oppressive status quos are neutral."

Show thread

Dark faeries: the blue.

Sometimes ago, I've retaken this illustration and push further the details. Adding patterns, fabrics, pieces of armor and reworking a little bit some areas.

I'm really happier with this new version. Hope you like!

#art #mastoart #artist #illustration #fantasy #faery #darkfaeries

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!