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Jenny H boosted
Jenny H boosted

so this is that guy you all are complaining about all the time


Back when i was a student i could vote for a person and rest assured that no matter what happened, whoever got in would be gone after at most two years

Never thought I'd be nostalgic for student politics, and yet...

Wait aren't baby boomers the robots from bubblegum crisis

Hormones and hyperbole 

T flares are literally a transphobic hate crime

The bus advises me to give the bus company "a cheeky like and follow", which is the most "how do you do fellow kids" thing I've heard this week

alcohol, caps 

apparently one whisky is enough to make me have OPINIONS on TYPESETTING

yes that "caps" content warning is kind of meta, isn't it

as was that observation

So apparently the only whiteboard in my office (there are four!) that a magnetic eraser will stick to is the least conveniently-positioned one

I did four vocal takes and now I'm tired and having feelings

Selfie, drug reference 

Hey, kid! Wanna buy a selfie? First one's free.

some days i want to create and create and create and other days i want to run away to the moon with all of my friends

im gay but soon i will have to wait at a bus stop and be cold instead

given my propensity for wordplay and my fondness for cryptic crosswords it took me an embarrassingly long time to realise that "delta rune" is an anagram for "undertale"

so I wrote a silly poem about getting your feelings triggered in public spaces 

A sudden snippet of a song
Like stones inside a shoe
A single word that's overheard
And tears your world in two
Unbidden they are summoned here
To tear a soul apart
Those genderfeels that squirm like eels
Inside a fragile heart

Jenny H boosted

homelessness, help needed, Oregon, mh (-) 

I need help.

I have an eviction on my rental history, from a toxic lying landlord.

Have been car-camping since June.

Winter is coming.

I've never had a problem before 2018, how do I get to a place where I can rent again? Even for a month or two?

Is there anyone out there who helps people like me?
Or am I an undesirable semi-permanently?

Help me, fediverse, I'm overwhelmed and I don't know where to find information or resources.

An all-trans all-chemist metal band called "transition metal"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!