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Kinda want someone to draw me a picture of Garnet (of the crystal gems) as a penguin

*enters a disco wearing strange hosiery* walk up to the club like what up I got a big sock

TIL the word "bugger" is from the Latin Buigarus, meaning "Bulgarian"

Graffiti found in Nottingham.

[in red text: "resistance is not futile". Various other designs and messages share the wall]

Sometimes I worry I'm not enough of an anorak to be trans

Jenny H boosted

My future self pops in for another visit.
"Remember Maria?" she asks.
"She's my best friend!"
"Have you fought over that guy yet?"
"Who? You mean Tom?"
"I forget."
"How can I forget Tom?"
"You will. You'll never forget Maria."
Realisation dawns. "Oh."
"You know it. Ask her out."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Jenny H boosted

hey! everyone!! its my *actual* birthday, can i p w e a s e get some boosts??????

Jenny H boosted
Jenny H boosted

medical transphobia, crowdsourcing art 

[boosts welcome]

Hey all, I'm looking for material to sample for a song I'm making. The song is called "lullaby for a model patient", and it's about the ways in which we distort our own histories and identities in order to access healthcare. Looking in particular for stuff that's not super kind to trans women, perhaps discussions of the whole "autogynephile/homosexual" dichotomy. Any relevant video or audio you can point me at would be great.

Im waterflapper, im gonna quack all over ur duck pond

medical transphobia, crowdsourcing art 

[boosts welcome]

Hey all, I'm looking for material to sample for a song I'm making. The song is called "lullaby for a model patient", and it's about the ways in which we distort our own histories and identities in order to access healthcare. Looking in particular for stuff that's not super kind to trans women, perhaps discussions of the whole "autogynephile/homosexual" dichotomy. Any relevant video or audio you can point me at would be great.

unfortunately, my legs are now mildly frozen :(

There was a fire alarm, so I decided to spend my mandatory outside time contributing to a local art installation

Jenny H boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content 

I feel targeted by this

Gay politics of the late 70s 

"The 'good practical reasons' for which Freud did not deem it suitable to lead a heterosexual to homosexuality are collapsing. Homoeroticism is eroding the barriers of repression and spilling out. Thanks to the struggle of gay people, the whole world is becoming a bit more gay." --- Mario Mieli, 1977

I'm the gender gengar. Boost this post or pokemon will turn you trans.

Me: I should be careful about taking on new projects, feeling a bit too close tp burnout. Definitely shouldn't start anything big.

Also me: I should record audiobooks

Fight back against the Chomsky grammar hierarchy! Seize the rules of production!

Today I am just royally fucked off at bureaucracy :(

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!