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Ok fine now it is raining properly

Sorry for doubting you, clouds

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The kind of rain you struggle to distinguish from pins and needles

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It is raining passive aggressively. It spots and tries to get you to get inside without actually putting any effort in

Apparently the pub nearest where I live is a biker bar or something? There's market stalls selling leathers and everything today.

in the sky
when you lose serif you free your type


Feels like I don't deserve art that understands me because the people that are meant to understand me have rejected me


revolutionise programming languages by day, suicidally ideate by night


Wish I was a real person with friends instead of a ghost people just ignore

Tempted to make a conlang that distinguishes different kinds of ownership and power relation. Like the difference between "my friend", "my toothbrush" and "my building".

Outdoors frequently sounds like white noise to me...

Hair removal 

I forgot how nice hair-free legs feel, omg

A new chapter of my magiqueer story, Practical Witchcraft for Outcast Teens, is now up on the web:


I seem to have hit on a good combination of improvised hot chocolate:
1 mug hot milk
1.5 - 2 teaspoons cocoa
2 teaspoons brown sugar
pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon turmeric (the amount is a guess, I just put in what would come out of the spice jar when I shook it)


Having one of those "everything is a crapshoot" days

Vaguely sad 

I wish I knew how to help people

(I know I just posted a shitty lewd joke but if you want emotional stability you may have to look elsewhere, sorry)

Kink shitpost 

What if mastodon but master-dom

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!