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like I told myself I would post about it on birdsite and momsite when the book was done but now that it is the idea kind of terrifies me

and I'm torn between looking into doing a print run and just forgetting about it

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kind of want to do more to promote my writing but otoh every new reader is a potential new hater yay

Jenny H boosted

And with that, Practical Witchcraft for Outcast Teens is finished.

At least, book one is...

And with that, Practical Witchcraft for Outcast Teens is finished.

At least, book one is...

HRT pol 

Concrete demand: Doctors should do more than just give us fish: they must teach us to fish

I have 81 followers and I'll be surprised if any of them get that joke but I'm all about that niche content me

lewd Haskell programmer joke, trans kink 

if you force a femme, does that make you strict?

trans girls and forced femme 

I had a story idea a while back that was basically sissy smut that turns into trans self-discovery, maybe I should pick that back up

Jenny H boosted

Alcohol, pol 

Apparently being drunk leads to me ranting about capitalism

*listens to earpiece*

I'm just hearing that actually, being me leads to me ranting about capitalism

Mood: solemnly adding "cryptocurrency" to my autocorrect dictionary

Alcohol, family adj 

My parents broke out the wine tonight because my sister came, and i feel rather woozy now. Chalk it up to my usual low-alcohol lifestyle, i guess

*jumps into a cab, throwing money at the driver*

Follow that Friday!

Shitpost, can't tell if mental or just melancholy, like not even sad per se but yeah 

Not gay as in happy but trans as in "fifty words for different gradations of angst"

Jenny H boosted

🚨mutual aid request🚨

My partner had their wallet & vaporizer stolen last night - the wallet had $88 & their credit card, the vaporizer is less than 3 months old & cost them $119 (it’s a magic flight launch box).

My partner is disabled & chronically ill & work limited hours & use their vape every day for pain & anxiety.

This is a huge blow & rent & bills are due next week. Please help if you can

Thanks so much

Venmo: vicente-vazquez-2

I just hit 10k words, so I guess I'll announce my upcoming novella, "The Wrong Side of the Bed"

It's about gender and magic (because I guess I have a personal brand) and featuring a character I invented maybe a decade ago.

I just finished this book and my heart my heart my fucking heart
Strong recommend to anyone who wants to read about trans girls and the surreality of queer life

I went to the printers to make some leaflets in a pretty new typeface, but it turns out it was just a font for organised crime

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!