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Jenny H boosted

Been rewatching Farscape lately and tbh I just want to run away with the space anarchists

Negative gender feels 

Can always rely on taxi drivers to tell me if I don't pass...


There is someone here who looks a bit like a friend of mine who died a while back, and it is kind of distressing.

am tired almost to the point of nonexistence

Jenny H boosted

why did universal reject my script for Jurassic World 3 

Alan Grant: But it can't be.

Titanic footsteps echo over the island.

Alan Grant: But it is.

The head of a dinosaur peaks over the tree line.

Alan Grant: Oedipus Rex.

Oedipus Rex walks clear of the forest wearing a shirt that reads 'I love my mummy.'


two days into a five day event and my sanity is already approaching nadir

Woo having to go back to the front desk because your hotel keycard just doesn't feel like working today?

Jenny H boosted
Jenny H boosted

learning to do proper hardcore screams so I can get on a stage and yell "uwu" at the top of my voice

sex joke, history 

inaccurately portrayed vikings sailing around the gulf of mexico in the 16th century were generally unwilling to hide their sexual desires

they were, uhm, “horny on Main"

sex joke, politics 

tired: "subbing to as many people as possible”
wired: "full dommunism"

Every day I become slightly more of an anarchist and it's beautiful

Honestly didn't think it was possible for me to hate authority any more but anarchy, uh, finds a way

Just put the phrase "wages for housework" into my story, woo

Gotham City's Dark Night is reportedly travelling to the capital of Nepal. But what will the Batman do in Kathmandu?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!