And the follow-up is "As long as people still promote Rocky Horror Picture Show, I doubt it will happen," so, I'm pretty sure "decent" in this context doesn't refer to performance or costume quality.
Zuckland is so strange sometimes, if my family wasn't there I don't know that I'd stay.
Finally contacted Cat3's original owner re looking for a new place for her to be. For every good interaction we have, there's a 7-inch long scratch on my forearm or deep bruise on my hand for when she decides to murder me. For every time she ignores Cat2 outside her room, there's a time when she's running full tilt into the baby gate snarling at him for doing the same thing. I think Cat3 just needs a home w/o other cats.
I don't feel quite right trying to force the issue with kitty Prozac - Cat3 isn't all-over stressing anymore, it's just Cat2 that makes her see red. I just... I don't know.
I need to make a text to the original owner of Cat3 letting her know I am not Cat3's forever home, but I do not want to have that convo. Cat3's come around on the subject of me, but is still gunning for Cat2's blood more than a month in. I have so many conflicting emotions. I've never failed a cat before.
Me: There are gingerbread cookies at work. I am going to eat them.
Also Me: You're allergic to cinnamon! Like, epipen-allergic not bathroom-emergency-allergic!
Me, yet again: My throat only gets painfully tight for a half hour, and the difficulty swallowing means I can't have more than two so it works out.
Aspiring writer. old. incorrectly queer. General gloomy gus.