@squirrel hey erin. why don't you enjoy yourself a little snack ! 😊

@ajr i hear that! what are ur projects u wanna do the most?

@ajr it is probably at least the second coolest thing i've made tho.. i wanna come back to it i think

@ajr THANK U 😭

i definitely spent a lot of time on it.. i'd like to pick it up and keep building again but, right now i'll just be happy to get it all online πŸ˜…

@ajr not much recently, but I made this back in 2012 and I figure I might as well put the source code out there: youtube.com/watch?v=XFFF8lUgWp

but after that I need to get back to building my professional portfolio so I can find a GOOD_JOB

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gameboy game salvage update: I successfully got something set up that builds on Windows. gave up on linux building for now

Gonna set up a nice webpage for it and maybe do a little bit of documenting and then I'll share the github with y'all

update: it was actually left in a just-fine state. The problem was that the version of GBDK for linux doesn't seem to really work.

I really don't want to develop this thing on windows, but I might not have a choice. :(

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currently trying to dissect 5-year-old C code i wrote for the gameboy, which was left in a bad state with no source control...

it'll be great if i can figure this out but i have no idea if i'll be able to @_@

@squirrel ‼️‼️‼️‼️

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!