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If you put a computer in charge of solving some decision-making problem, keep in mind that computers can't make decisions.

You are actually putting programmers in charge.

And if that doesn't terrify you, go ask a programmer how much they trust software.

The Bravest Knight': Upcoming Hulu Series Will Be One Of The First Children's Animated Series With An Openly Gay Main Character

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If you're in the Glasgow area and tall could you please do something abt the fash sticker on the pole outside of the queen street side entrance of the argyle street primark, thanks, a short person #glasgow

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coming out++--, z.T. darstellung von gewalt ggü queers 

ja, es ist cheesy, aber, hey, es ist Pride Month! wann, wenn nicht jetzt? Coming out - Tanzvideo von Eugene von den TryGuys 🏳️‍🌈

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You've seen the QPoC Flag, yes? Well here's the QTPoC Flag!

I'll have an SVG available of this eventually, but feel free to save this and share it and whatever you want. The black outline is there because I'm gonna try to make a patch from it, but it's easy to remove once you have the SVG.

If you want a regular image without the outline, lemme know and I'll upload one here to the fediverse

#openSource #vector #qtPoc #PoC #QPoC #transPride #queerPride #publicDomain #pride #prideMonth #quiltbag

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Vscode says trans rights

Boost to kill a terf and replace a tech bros job with a queer trans poc.

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nein, m/w/d steht nicht für männlich/weiß/deutsch!

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Habe in der #Toot!-App gerade bei einem Hashtag die Option „pin“ benutzt... aber.. wo habe ich den tag nun hingepinnt? Finde keine passende Spalte oä, huch?

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Für die feministisch umtriebigen Nerd*innen (FNTI) in Wien gibts diese Woche wieder was zu tun:

Morgen abend: Feminist Python Meetup mit Workshop zu MicroPython:

Freitag abend: Feminist Linux Meetup mit ner Intro zu Backup-Lösungen unter Linux:

#technofeminismus #linux #python #wien

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You like the #emoji picker of #Mastodon?

Actually, I took it and made it available as an add-on, so you can use it in the whole #Firefox :firefox:! 😃

Check it out here:

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"What is your wish," the genie asked.
"Can you make me immortal?"
"No, but I can give you the ability to stop and start aging."
"Why would I want to start aging?"
"You can only form memories while you are aging."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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Der Kapitän des Rettungsschiffes #Lifeline ist zu 10.000 Euro Geldstrafe verurteilt worden. Reisch hatte mehr als 230 Menschen aus dem Mittelmeer gerettet.

Und jetzt erinnern wir uns nochmal an die Strafen für kriminelle Banker, Cum-Ex-Steuerbetrüger und Dieselmanager. Oh wait!

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A spaceship landed in the park, and an alien emerged.
"Greetings," it said. "Take us to your leader."
A passing jogger stopped. "Uh, I can-"
"We were not addressing you," the alien said, "but the ghosts. They do outnumber you."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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I studied the ghost. He seemed almost solid.
"Will you be okay?"
"Yes," he said, sounding alive. "It's exhausting, and I can't do it for long but-"
"You don't have to do this."
"I know. But I chose to. It's okay if it's my choice."
"Then let's go see people, until you must fade."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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youtube is bad 

@paulfree14 If you want to avoid "supporting" YouTube, just use whenever you link to a video and for you personally. Invidious makes sure, Google JavaScripts, personal recommendations and ads are blocked.

The nice advantage compared to pure use of Tor: You protect others as well by using Invidious Links instead of YouTube links.

Ich habe eine Anfrage bekommen von einer Berliner Aufklärungsinitiative, die ein_e (Computer)Spieleautor_in sucht, di_er sich mit queeren Themen auskennt. (Also Spiele-Entwicklungsteam sucht Autor_in) Fällt da irgendwem von Euch irgendjemand ein? (Gerne weitertröten)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!