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Wait, what is that?



Did you always want to use Toot!, but did it just not look MANLY ENOUGH?

You can now buy Toot! for Men as an in-app purchase! You're a man, you can afford it!

You will get the all-new and entirely testosterone-fuelled TACTICOOL THEME:

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Nazis, Gewalt am CSD 

Der #CSD in Braunschweig am vergangenen Samstag wurde wie bereits in den letzten Jahren von Nazis angegriffen. Dieses Mal kam es sogar zu körperlicher Gewalt. Trotzdem bekam die ganze Sache keinerlei mediale Aufmerksamkeit und auch die Polizei schien nicht daran interessiert, die Täter*innen zu bestrafen (wen überrascht es noch?).

Hier ist ein Text, der den Angriff beschreibt. Es wäre schön, wenn viele Leute ihn lesen würden:

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i used to be really into having the newest computer gadget. now i use refurbished hardware. it's so much cheaper. it lasts. it reduces landfill waste. it's great, and i don't really feel like i am missing out on much tech-wise.

here are some tips if you need tech stuff but don't want to spend a lot of money, support horrible companies, and such (1/n)
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PLEASE HELP;; EMERGENCY; stuck in the desert with dogs, RV broke down 

I'm in Utah, I'm here to help my girlfriend and her wife move to Seattle. Their Radiator just melted a bunch of cables and tubes; we are stuck with three dogs who are going to die in this weather if we don't get some help NOW

I have no idea how much the repairs will be, we're getting it towed right now. Please, if you can afford to help, any amount counts :imp_murr:

We're setting up a GoFundMe but for now:

Thank you 💜


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Brilliant project that tidies up public domain ebooks.

Gutenberg and Internet Archive are wonderful resources, but the texts are poorly formatted for actual use, especially on ereaders.

This is a volunteer driven initiative to bring these texts up to date with modern standards and make them look as good as possible on the page.

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Erwähnung von Essen 

Der Erfinder der XBox hat Brot aus 4500 Jahre alten Hefepilzen gebacken, die er von ägyptischen Tonkrügen gekratzt hat 🤔

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I need to sell my ticket for the #cccamp19, anyone interested? Womxn especially welcome. Normal camper ticket, 295€ 🦋

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Does anyone need a PC Card soundcard? It's a Echo Indigo DJ.
Can be yours if you pay for shipping!

#RetroTech #Audio #PcCard #PCMCIA #FreeStuff

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Hi, I’m Alice. I’ve decided to try aimlessly throwing things into the scary void of Mastodon.

I’m a #queer #artist and an amateur #gardener learning how to grow food. I like #videogames, #animals and the colour #yellow. 🐝


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#GitHub is blocking users based on national origin, citing US trade controls law restrictions....

People from #Iran, #Syria, #Crimea, #Cuba, and North Korea woke up one day to lose access to all their public and private repositories. There's reporting that even people *who traveled* to any of those countries in the last 2 years are losing their data...

And #GitHub has not said ONE WORD ABOUT IT.


Read more:

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Photos and fingerprints of all EU citizens copied from the UK to the US

(submitted by zoobab)

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Berlin Pride, TERFs 

I heared that there's a local chapter of FIST ( who mobilize to tomorrow's Dyke March and Saturday's Radical Queer March. Does anyone know anything about it?

Boosts welcome.

💤 watch me um 7:15 im Büro, um möglichst wenig in der nachmittagshitze am stuhl kleben zu müssen 🔥

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A friend got injured and now having trouble paying their Uber Ambulance.

They have some Libra cryptocoin saved but are short.

But Facebook is having a promotion of double rewards for extra engagement, so if you can give a like or share it would really help them.

#TootFic #MicroFiction

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Ein politisch motivierter Mord, rassistisch motivierte Schüsse auf einen Eritreer, ein ungeborenes Kind musste Sterben, weil schwangerer Frau in Geflüchtetenunterkunft nicht geholfen wurde, Bombendrohungen gegen Moscheen.

Und die BILD-Zeitung schürt weiter Hass gegen Muslime.

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Trans people are the bravest just for daring to be alive.

Love all of you :trans_heart:

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CCCamp 2019 ticket 

Aus Gründen wird das Camp dieses Jahr nur mit 2/3 meiner Familie stattfinden. Ich habe also ein Ticket zu vergeben, zum Selbstkostenpreis (Standardticket).

Ich hab auch eine badge dazu geklickt.

Wenn Ihr noch eine Freundin habt, die kein Ticket mehr bekommen hat, sagt bitte Bescheid. Ja, Frauen* werden bevorzugt, war ja auch für eine gedacht.
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!