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OK. Fuckin’—parenting is super rad, y’all. Also hard, but this is a not-hard story. I’ve been reading Squirrel Girl comics with the 9yo who has becomes low key obsessed with them. Which pleases me in general because its just nice when your kids like things you like. But!

This comic is so rad that so far because of it we have had conversations about:

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maj boosted

Wondering how many folks in our slice of the fediverse are queer. 🏳️‍🌈

(Boosts fine but no worries.)

(Redrafted to fix a wording, sry!)

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Wir haben 88 Follows. Kann mal bitte noch jemand reinfolgen, damit diese schreckliche Zahl nicht mehr zu sehen ist?

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maj boosted

Ich hoffe jetzt einfach das ich genügend Follower habe die deutsch sprechen aber kennt ihr Menschen mit Behinderung die Assistenz haben oder hat selber Assistenz, wie geht ihr mit Corona um? Wenn ihr leichte Symptome habt kommt dann eure Assistenz gar nicht mehr? Oder wie regelt ihr das? Leider kenne ich keine Menschen persönlich die Assistenzbedarf haben die ich fragen könnte gerne auch teilen

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Here is an #Introduction from me I was looking for acool queer friendly Space because Birdsite didn’t feel like home anymore I am 38 live in Germany, queer non-binary intersex disabled autistic and have cPTSD. I am an artist/musician pagan I love cats audiobooks own several instruments, loomknit, like Digital and traditional art and much more just get to know me I would just like to make new friends here

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So I tried to run a game TheSims 2 I bought on the fleamarket a couple of months ago but when I try to open the CD it says an admin has blocked the file Autorun.exe but I am the admin and there is no other account so does anyone know what I can do? I have a Windows 10 as operating system #games #computer #help

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Today is Trans Day of Remembrance (#TDoR2020). And we see again a rise in numbers. The pandemic isn't helping with that neither, and the political situation shifted towards less protection and recognition of trans people in several European countries in the last year, resulting in more open and directed hate and violence against especially trans women and trans femmes.

Take care of yourself, do something good for you. Sending hugs for those wanting and needing them

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Lese gerade in der ersten Ausgabe von Queer*welten aus dem Ach Je Verlag und kann es bis jetzt nur empfehlen.

"Queer*Welten ist ein vierteljährlich erscheinendes queerfeministisches Science-Fiction- und Fantasy-Zine."

Nächstes mal habe ich vielleicht besseres Licht für das Foto.

#AmReading #SciFi #Fantasy

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Wer die #Corona App ablehnt weil er "dem Staat" nicht vertraut, ist schon auf dem Schwurblerpfad eingebogen. Mehr Offenheit wie bei der App geht einfach nicht. Alles Open Source, alles erklärt. Eure Facebook und Google Apps sind da VIEL schlimmer. Warum merkt ihr das nicht?

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30 years ago today, Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau published their formal proposal for the World Wide Web.

This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

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Hat vielleicht eine:r von euch die Ökotest als e-Paper im Abo und könnte mir einen Artikel aus der Oktoberausgabe 2020 zukommen lassen?

Interessiere mich sehr für den Bettdeckentest von Throl/Schuster.

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Snail race !!! 🐌
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Hey 🧆-#Dresden,
mein orientalisches Lieblingsbistro "Fatima & die 9 Zwerge" am Nürnberger Ei hat massiv mit dem Shutdown zu kämpfen & bietet Falafelrollen, Vegane (Falafel) oder Hähnchenteller mit Reis zum Mitnehmen an.

Guckt doch mal vorbei:

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maj boosted

us pol, election-related, note for folks in Georgia 

So hey, those of you in Georgia (or can pass this along to folks in Georgia), there are about 40k absentee ballots sidelined due to signature issues and a couple of days to fix them. The race there is close enough for that to make a difference, so if you haven't already check the GA Secretary of State website to see if your ballot needs verified, and quickly!

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Statt eines unangenehmen Covid-19-Testes könnte die Analyse des Hustens anhand von Tonaufnahmen ausreichen, um eine Coronavirus-Infektion zu erkennen.
KI soll Covid-19-Infizierte am Husten erkennen
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Urgent advice needed, Germany, COVID-19, boosts (+++) 

My friend (mentioned in the thread below) had a layover in Frankfurt. During the layover she tested positive for COVID-19. She had to reschedule her flight to Namibia, and was admitted to a hospital for treatment.

She is no longer in need of urgent medical care, and so will be released from the hospital soon. Due to the looming lockdown and her positive test result it doesn't look like she will have anywhere to stay for the remainder of her quarantine period (at least 10 more days).

Are there any facilities in or around Frankfurt set up for patients who test positive for COVID-19? English language searches don't yield much, and advice from someone who knows the local situation better at the moment is urgently needed.

She has already contacted the US embassy, who weren't able to offer much assistance.

Advice from someone who knows the situation better needed urgently! Boosts highly appreciated.

Original Post:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!