Dear fedi, I have a domain I'm not going to renew because it is useless to me, but I'd prefer to transfer it to someone who'll use it for something rather than let it become an auction commodity as they often do.
The domain is, and it expires in a month. If in that period nobody contacts me, I will let it lapse. If you want it, let me know at least in broad terms what you plan to do with it.
Habe diesen Kommentar erst jetzt gelesen - und stimme ihm voll zu. Wie kann es sein, dass diese Äußerungen von #Weidel einfach ohne große Aufregung hingenommen werden? Warum ist der Aufschrei so verhältnismäßig klein? Hier bedauert die Vorsitzende einer im Bundestag vertretenden Partei, dass es nicht zum Endsieg Nazideutschlands gekommen ist - und die Topmeldungen drehen sich darum, wer die Fußballer dieser Landes trainiert. Unfassbar! #AfD #Faschismus #NieWieder
“The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people.
But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind.
It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane.
And these qualities have little to do with success as we have defined it.”
– David W. Orr, Ecological Literacy: Educating Our Children for a Sustainable World
"Ob @ndaktuell, Missy Magazin, Oxi oder auch Katapult & @titanic: Wir müssen die linke Gegenöffentlichkeit retten. Die Rechten weiten ihre gerade aus."
Extrem wichtiger Text von @CasparShaller im @tazgezwitscher!
trans hormonal question / testo vs. birth control
I'm looking for information about (micro dosing) testosterone in combination with hormonal birth control. specifically whether it it's harmful/dangerous in any way. I did not find anything in the web, but tbh I do not have any idea what to look for. the closest information was about testo and pregnancy. does anyone have ideas about this and can point me in a direction?
Hier ist ein 70% #Rabattcode für die Mitgliedschaft im #ADFC (für 19,- statt 66,- im 1.Jahr): 42-F11
Einzulösen unter:
Boost und Nutzung sind sehr willkommen! :-)
My Skill Trees project is starting to grow! I'm building up a collection of printable open source templates that can guide and track progression in hands-on skills. Colour in the boxes as you complete each skill and get inspired to try new things. I'm seeking experts in a variety of areas to continue to grow the repository and help with translation into different languages. Check out the link for the full list:
die unterstützung für ein diskriminierungsfreies #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz wächst fleißig weiter! neu hinzugekommen sind u.a. @chclemm, der deutsche frauenring, die deutsche aidshilfe und der bundesverband pro familia – sie alle sagen bereits #JaZuSelbstbestimmung ❤️🔥
Are you in Berlin? As part of the "Tracing the Geometry of Cyberwar" event by #PraterGalerie, we will host 2 workshops:
Book your spot now:
If you work in tech and haven't heard about "being glue", I would say that it's vital to read about it:
You'll either feel extremely heard, or it will open your eyes to what some of your (disproportionately female) coworkers struggle with on a regular basis.
Do you want to say: "I found this job via #Mastodon" 🐘? Then read along 👇
We, a small #boardgame publisher, need someone who helps us ~5 hours a week to answer emails (🇬🇧) from backers & also Kickstarter comments. You can work from anywhere at anytime on a contractual basis for 15€/hour 💰. If you are interested, please send us your application including a letter of motivation via email to Please share 🔄!
depol, Selbstbestimmungsgesetz, Demoaufruf
Für alle die in der Nähe von Erfurt am 1.09 sind, U.a. Queerweg ruft zu einer Demo für ein echtes Selbstbestimmungsgesetz auf!
This is encouraging: A protein that disrupts cells’ energy centers may be a culprit in chronic fatigue syndrome
American scientists have identified a protein that seems to play a part in chronic fatigue by screwing with the mitochondria ("the powerhouse of the cell", if you'll remember highschool biology).
At least on a petri dish level, they managed to de-fatigue human cells.
This might be an important step for #MECFS and #LongCOVID patients.
agender queer 'n' nerdy (white) -- private account of @maj