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This past June 4th, our city witnessed a pivotal moment when the decision was made not to raise the pride flag for Pride Month. This decision, accompanied by the mayor's excuses riddled with rhetoric, misrepresentation, logical fallacies, and historical inaccuracies—going as far as comparing the pride flag to hate symbols—sparked a powerful response from our community.

In defiance of this decision, we organized a pride celebration and walk to the city hall, aiming to attend the next city council session. The event was wonderfully organized, featuring speakers from various LGBTQ+ organizations and council members who originally voted in favor of raising the pride flag. Notably, one council member who had initially voted against it publicly acknowledged her mistake and expressed a desire to make amends.

Despite the event's positive atmosphere, it was marred by the presence of instigators. From the "you all are going to hell" preachers to gender critics denying support to trans youth and right-wing journalists misrepresenting the event and harassing attendees, their provocations were relentless. At one point, these instigators surrounded and harassed a woman, but the community quickly came to her aid.

As we arrived at city hall, we were met with counter-protesters, including aggressive nationalists and Christian singers. The city council session itself was a spectacle, with the mayor's bigotry and ignorance on full display as he tried to paint himself as a victim in response to the backlash from residents.

The night's events culminated in a re-vote, where the majority of council members voted in favor of raising the pride flag. By the end of the night, the flag was waving proudly over our city.

Today, we woke up to the pride flag flying high, symbolizing the unity of our queer community and allies. Yet, it also stands as a stark reminder of the division sown by bigotry and the ongoing need to stay vigilant against continued attacks.

#PrideFlag #UnityInDiversity #LGBTQRights #StandAgainstBigotry

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My #CompSci lecturers often dropped the names of inventors. But only if they were men. We talked about Gordon Moore, obviously Turing 🏳️‍🌈 was mentioned, about Don Knuth, about Chomsky etc.

But when we discussed the #ARM architecture, we never talked about the inventor *Sophie Wilson*. We also never talked about *Mary Ann Horton*, despite her work on `vi` and `terminfo` -- but of course we mentioned Bill Joy. We discussed the Spanning Tree Protocol, but not its inventor *Radia Perlman*. We have the whole field of #SoftwareEngineering, but who coined the term? *Margaret Hamilton*. We mentioned the ENIAC and v. Neumann, but failed to talk about *Adele Goldstine*. We discussed the origins of #OOP and #Smalltalk but ignored *Adele Goldberg*. We programmed in #Assembly but never talked about the woman who wrote the first #Assembler, *Kathleen Booth*. And don't get me started on #Safari and our sweet @lisamelton <3 Or any of the (incomplete list) of *Ida Rhodes, Carol Shaw, Shafi Goldwasser, Edith Clarke, Annie Easley, Joyce Little*, ...

And today? Let's talk about our favorite trans woman CPU designer, Lynn Conway.


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Reaktion auf EU-Wahl // indirekte Nazi Ewähnung 

Mein Kollege aus Dresden (weiß, hetero, verheiratet, zwei Kinder, gebürtiger Brandenburger) hat mir erzählt, dass er und seine Frau jetzt sehr ernsthaft überlegen, wegzuziehen. Nach Schleswig-Holstein oder vielleicht auch nach Dänemark. "Weil wir unsere Kinder nicht mit solchen Werten aufwachsen lassen wollen" - Wenn jetzt sogar die gehen, die nichts zu befürchten haben - das ist Kapitulation, oder? Wer bleibt denn dann noch übrig? 😢

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ukpol, abuse, NHS, trans genocide 

The #NHS are forcibly detransitioning a #trans woman.

#PandoraHolmes is being held against her will without access to her HRT. Policy is a bridging prescription from DIY, but they are stringing her along and lying, trying to stall until she can't appeal.

This is self-justifying torture. Denied HRT because she's suffering from having her HRT withdrawn. Initially they wanted to hold her two weeks. Now she's facing 6 months. I don't even want to imagine what's next.

An adult is being forcibly detransitioned, in the UK. Make this fucking news everywhere. Before they start opening special camps for trans people.

This is the 8th stage of #genocide

This is what Republicans want for all of us. This is what Biden silently condones. This is what Starmer, Sunak, and the NHS want for all of us.

If you're trans, never forget we are fighting for our lives. If you call yourself an ally, fight for us :heart_trans:

#FreePandoraHolmes #transhealthcare

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@dieKadda da hat sich jemand die Mühe gemacht, das Vermögen Superreicher graphisch zu deinem Einkommen darzustellen...…

Nur nicht aufhören zu scrollen... und lesen, was da immer mal steht.

Und immer an den Pixel am Anfang denken!

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womit man jetzt direkt schon mal anfangen kann*, ist eine fördermitgliedschaft fürs polylux netzwerk.

das netzwerk unterstützt vereine, initiativen und projekte der kritischen zivilgesellschaft, die gegen den #rechtsruck im osten arbeiten – vor ort und finanziell:

*wie immer nur, wenn es finanziell möglich ist #wahlergebnisse

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„I wish it need not have happened in my time,“ said Frodo.
„So do I,“ said Gandalf, „and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.“
— J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

One of my favourite quotes from The Lord of The Rings, and literature at large.

#TheLordOfTheRings #TheFellowshipOfTheRing #hopelessness #hope

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Frohen Tag der Trans*Grandiosität, liebe T*ootle!

Ich hoffe das Wetter ist heute gut zu euch (weder zu warm für Binder, stylische Jacken oder Shapewear, noch zu kühl für Kleider/Ausschnitt/Shorts). :blobheartraccoon:

Ich freue mich heute besonders für die tollen trans* Leute in meinem Leben und die unglaublich vielen Facetten von Trans*sein, die ihr lebt. :anarchoheart1:

#TagDerTransGrandiosität #TagDerTransGrandiositaet

PS: Ja, „trans*“ mit Stern. Der * ist mir historisch wichtig, denn er sagt, dass es viele Arten und Konzepte gibt, die alle unter die trans* Umbrella fallen — statt Grabenkämpfe. Bspw. Transgender, Transsexuelle, Transidente, Transvestiten. Nuancen und Worte. Wichtig und ständig wandelnd und nie so ganz definierbar.

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I miss the times when it was possible to find a flat, get a doctor's appointment, and get tickets for concerts.

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On the 20th of May, 1810, a member of the French nobility died. And nobody, including the attending physician who examined the body, knew what to write on their death certificate.

The Chevalier d'Eon had always had a naturally androgenous appearance, a fact which they capitalized on frequently throughout their life. The child of a minor French nobleman, d'Eon enjoyed the benefits of an education, excelling in school, and earning a law degree. After school, they took work as a political writer for a time, and then became secretary to a series of Parisian administrators, working in areas of finance as well as in history and literature.

But in 1756, they joined a secret network of spies known only to King Louis XV, and working without the official knowledge or sanction of the French government. d'Eon's mission was to infiltrate the court of Empress Elizabeth of Russia, and there, conspire with members of a pro-French faction of the Russian government against the Habsburg monarchy of Austria. At the time, Russian border crossings were restricted only to women and children. So, according to d'Eon's memoirs, they were forced to pass convincingly as a woman or risk execution. Thus disguised as "the Lady Beaumont", they served as maid of honor to the Empress.

Years later, d'Eon returned to France, awarded an enormous sum of money for their service to the King, and became Captain of Dragoons - a military title involving mounted cavalry. Later, they served in the Seven Years' War against England. When the war ended, d'Eon drafted the peace treaty, and was awarded another handsome sum of money for their efforts, receiving the title "Chevalier" - a French title of nobility roughly translating to "Knight".

In 1763, a series of political machinations saw d'Eon embroiled in a scandal. Having lived in London now for years, d'Eon published a series of letters detailing some (though not all) of their secret dealings as a spy. This breach of diplomatic discretion was scandalous in the extreme, but secured them the sympathy of the English public. In these letters, d'Eon claimed that the new ambassador to England, a man named Guerchy, had tried to poison them at a dinner. Guerchy sued for libel, and d'Eon strangely offered no defense at the trial. They were thus declared an outlaw and went into hiding. Eventually, Louis XV granted d'Éon a pension (possibly a pay-off for d'Éon's silence) and a 12,000-livre annuity, but refused a request to pay off the rest of their debts. d'Eon continued to work as a spy for Louis XV, but lived in political exile in London.

And here is where our story truly begins to get strange.

It was around this time that rumors began circulating in London that d'Eon was actually a woman, despite the fact that they routinely wore their military dragoons uniform. A betting pool over their true gender was started on the London Stock Exchange. d'Eon was invited to participate but declined, stating that an examination would be dishonoring whatever the result. After a year without any further updates, the wager was abandoned and the monies returned.

Then, in 1774, King Louis XV died, and d'Eon, sensing an opportunity to return to their homeland, attempted to negotiate an end to their exile. The resulting twenty page treaty permitted d'Eon to return to France, but demanded that they turn over any documents and correspondence from their time as a spy under Louis XV. Additionally, a clause in the treaty demanded that they present themselves as female during the voyage.

So the Chevalier d'Eon, now stylizing themself as the Chevalière d'Eon (a feminized form of the title given to them by Louis XV at the end of the war), and wearing their dragoon uniform, began making plans to return to France. However, now claiming to have always been a woman, they demanded recognition by the French government as such. They claimed that their father had to raise them as a boy, because his father could only inherit from his in-laws if he had a son. King Louis XVI complied with this demand, but required in turn that d'Eon no longer wear the military uniform and instead dress as a woman. Included with the offer was a substantial sum of money for a complete women's wardrobe. Whether it was because d'Eon really was assigned female at birth, as they claimed, or whether it was merely the money and station offered by the new King, d'Eon agreed. So, d'Eon returned to France a woman, and as punishment, was summarily banished to Tonnerre.

For the rest of their life, d'Eon would maintain this presentation, even offering to join with the Americans in the War of Independence against England, though their banishment prevented it. During this time there are accounts of the Chevalière d'Eon fencing, fighting, and participating in duels with other French nobility, always presenting as the woman they claimed to always have been. After the French Revolution, the king's pension vanished, and d'Eon was forced to sell much of their possessions to survive - though they did not give up their female attire. In 1809 at the age of 80, d'Eon suffered a fall and became paralyzed and bedridden. They died in poverty in 1810 at the age of 81.

But their story doesn't quite end there.

The surgeon who examined d'Éon's body after their death attested in their post-mortem certificate that d'Eon had "male organs in every respect perfectly formed", while at the same time displaying feminine characteristics such as "unusual roundness in the formation of limbs", as well as "breasts remarkably full". Though buried in an unmarked pauper's grave, there exists to this day a memorial in London listing the Chevalier d'Eon as one of the important graves lost to time.

Even by modern standards, the Chevalier/Chevalière d'Eon's gender identity is a bit of an enigma. Some have suggested they may have been intersex. Some choose to interpret their story as transgender or gender fluidity. Some have even coined a term - "eonism" - to describe similar cases of gender nonconformity.

Tell our stories.
#PRIDE #TransHistory

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Migrantische Securitys verlassen unter Protest Dienst in Flüchtlingsunterkunft, weil ihre weißen Kollegen das rassistische #Sylt-Lied über Stunden abspielen. Jetzt brauchen sie unsere Hilfe! Es gibt Bedrohungen & Anzeige gegen migrantische Secus. Spenden:

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Ein Stein mit der Aufschrift „Euthanasie ist die Lösung“ fliegt auf eine Wohneinrichtung der Lebenshilfe in Mönchengladbach und ganz Deutschland diskutiert über #Ableismus und #Rechtsextremismus. ⬇️

#AbleismusToetet #FckNazis #NazisRaus #inkluencer #disability

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TIL there's an asshole pride parade for the asshole society which had its coming out 🙈 #schlagermove

A DJ played L'amour Toujours and people chanted the racist right-wing shit to it.

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HTML and CSS have steadily been making improvements for years -- and these things are getting lost amidst all the JS madness. Things like the DIALOG tag, the POPOVER attribute, container queries, etc. I have a hobby app I'm working on, and it's amazing how much default HTML5 stuff just works now, and doesn't require any extension.

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Heute ist WAS? Heute ist Welt-Otter-Tag!! 🦦🥳
Wir feiern unseren größten und wichtigsten Feiertag des Jahres und weihen zu dem Anlass auch noch unsere "Otter der Welt" Ausstellung am Teichgehege offiziell ein. Passt irgendwie. Das Wetter könnte zwar etwas besser sein, aber Fischotter sind nicht wasserscheu. Seid also wie der Otter und kommt uns noch spontan besuchen - heute ist der Eintritt reduziert!

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Was passiert, wenn Rechtsextreme an die Macht kommen? Das neue #Buch „Machtübernahme“ von @arnesemsrott ist eine eindringliche Warnung vor den Folgen einer #AfD-Regierungsbeteiligung – und ein Aufruf zum demokratischen #Widerstand. Die Rezension von @martinruecker kannst du bis Donnerstag ohne Paywall lesen:

diesen Sonntag am 2.6. um 11 zur besten Matinee-Zeit gibt es eine online Veranstaltung anlässlich der deutschen Übersetzung von Texten von Joan Nestle - und Joan Nestle wird sich dabei sein! 😱😱 Es ist kostenlos bzw. eine kleine Spende von 1-2€ wird erfragt.

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RTL möchte Eure Meinung zum #AfDverbotJetzt wissen.

Die bisherigen Zahlen lassen schon eine gewisse Tendenz vermuten. 💪😋

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!