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EU-Wahl - AfD - evtl. versuchter Wahlbetrug 

Wählerin bekommt vorausgefüllten Wahlzellel zugeschickt - mit Kreuzen bei der AfD

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I'm thinking about starting a small video tutorial series for generative art/creative coding beginners. But I can't come up with a good name. Could you help me out and vote/suggest new ones here?

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„Ein eigenes Nettoeinkommen >2.000€ haben nur 10 % der Frauen im Alter zwischen 30 u 50 Jahren.“ 😳


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Eine Alternative zum #wahlomat ist, welches tatsächliche Abstimmungsergebnisse der Parteien als Grundlage nimmt. Interessanter Ansatz!

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toxic masculinity, sui 

What do we mean when we say "toxic masculinity"?

I saw, and to my shame participated in, teaching these toxic aspects of masculinity as a teenager. It has left me very aware of their poisonous impact on our whole culture.

This comic explains in a very clear and heartbreaking way:

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Hey #Hamburg, Your queer-feminist date for tomorrow (May 17th) evening: FLITtchenKneipe talks about "Dating, One Night Stands and Relationships": flittchenkneipeblog.wordpress. Starting 7 p.m. at Karolinenstraße 21 (near Underground Station Messehallen)

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Today I learned why Hamburg, in contrast to many trade cities in the world, does not have a Chinese quarter.

(If you guessed that it probably was because of the fucking Nazis, you would be right.)

In German:

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this message is brought to you by someone who's tired of calling his MEPs every 6 months because you voted for shitty politicians in the 2014 european elections
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So, die Unterlagen für die Briefwahl sind in der Post :-) Leute, geht wählen!

Trans* und Webdesign 

Leider mit Sex/Gender-Trennung, aber hey, das ist ein Mainstream-Webdesign Blog.

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Chelsea Manning est libre ! :flan_hurrah:

Après 62 jours de détention, ils l'ont libérée. Elle a tenu et refusé de témoigner contre Assange.

Möchte jmd meine Kolleg_in werden? Beantworte gern Fragen zu Firma und Job

cbd -- 

Hab gestern vorm Schlafen testweise ein paar Tropfen 2%iges cbd genommen, v.a. um zu gucken, ob es meinen chronisch mieserablen Schlaf verbessert. Die Nacht war außergewöhnlich beschissen und ich bin den ganzen Tag extrem whiney. Frage mich, ob es einen Zusammenhang gibt? 2% ist eine sehr niedrige Dosis und dafür, dass alle(TM) damit so häppy sind.. :blobthonkang:

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Sex discussion 

While we seem to be on the topic of consent, just a reminder:

No one owes anyone sex.

Ever. Not even after making out for hours, not if your partner is very horny, not even if you didn't tell them you were asexual or didn't want sex beforehand, not even if you're married or had sex before. Sex can't be fully consensual if it's an expectation.

When starting a relationship or going on a date, no one should assume that you want sex just because you are dating. If someone wants sex, they should be the one to mention it! It can't be an assumption!

I see far too often people act as if sex is necessary or needed in a relationship and expect sex from their partners in exchange for a relationship. Liking sex a lot is not an excuse to pressure your partner! It doesn't matter how much you think you "need" it, your partner has a greater need to be respected and not pressured!

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Ramadan Mubarak to all our Muslim comrades on here, may your fast be easy

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"I thought wizards live in towers?"
"In isolated towers, to keep others safe from their magic experiments, yes."
"But you are a princess."
"I am."
"And you live in an isolated tower."
"You think a princess can only be one thing? A princess can be anything!"
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!