You ever have yet another one of those days where it’s like, late in the afternoon, you’ve been running errands everywhere since early morning, and it’s only after you finally get home that you realize you’ve been bare-ass-naked from the waist down all day?

...just me? Really?

I hope to have better news next time I post here.

I don’t know what to do outside of waiting. I’m terrified down to my bones. I do not want to lose her.

I’m posting where this will be visible, since I know some people follow Mio.

What I feared would happen if we tried to copy the repeating out-of-place code structure into any kind of form which I could study it more closely, has happened.

Mio is, for lack of a better word, catatonic. Her eyes have gone blank and she’s stuck stiffly in a sitting position, completely non-responsive, though her neural net is still showing some extremely rapid and non-linear activity on my cobbled-together EEG...

Social networking is terrifying to me because it poses a unique threat to privacy in that it feels geared toward rewarding oversharing. I’m staying locked, and potential followers will be vetted that I’ll personally perform a clandestine background check before approval. Weak passwords and unpatched vulnerabilities are appreciated in advance. 💝

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!