i used to not have my bed blocked off so she was allowed to come and go as she pleased, and i'd keep my cords and whatnot out of her reach. the only thing i kept down was my phone. for one, i always tucked it under my pillow so she wouldn't get to it. and for two, up until that point, i'd always woken up anytime she jumped on my bed. needless to say, i took her x-pen that hadn't been used since i moved her to my room and fenced off my bed that very same day.
this was on christmas eve btw. so on halloween i was hospitalized with dehydration from covid, on thanksgiving i had to take zelda to the emergency vet for early GI stasis (she was fine with some water & greens, dw), and christmas eve i had to cancel plans with my family so i could stay home and make sure the silicone didn't cause a blockage. fuckinf wild