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You're in The Oubliette of Machines.
Vines with big, magenta flowers on them grow everywhere and a heavy, worn door is set into a nearby wall.

You're outside a mechanic in Marina of Hemps.
Loosely scattered hemps are floating around and the brown sky has few little clouds floating above.

You're floating in Nebulae of the Seaweed.
An immense Dyson sphere is nearby and multitudes of ships busily warp in and out of the area.

You're in The Catacombs of Melons.
Floating groups of small, silver lights dance about and a large pile of rubble blocks the way ahead.

You're outside a mechanic in Market of the Matter.
Collections of small, luminous carmine crystals are growing everywhere and the entire area is covered in shadow.

You're on a jetty in Puddle of the Headphones.
Collections of little, sage crystals are growing everywhere and Italo disco music plays from afar.

You're outside a diner in Market of the Servants.
Endless streams of vehicles pass by at high speed and heavy snow falls with a gust.

You're in Quagmire of Corks.
A cold, heavy rain falls with a breeze and ruined limestone bricks poke out through the ground.

You're in The Rectangle Infinity.
Staircases placed at all angles lead off into the distance and a low rumbling noise comes from above.

You're on a cargo ship in Warp of Influences.
A huge fleet of ships warp into the area and there's a vast nothing in all directions.

You're in The Expanse of Shred.
Huge stacks of newspapers are scattered about and reality repeatably folds and unfolds upon itself.

You're outside a motel in Quarter of Solvency.
A ruined alabaster path pokes through the ground and here the temperature feels cold.

You're in The Vanes Room.
A breeze blows through the area and small, terracotta tetrahedrons float in a spiral.

You're drifting in Sideboard Wormhole.
A small planet with scarlet coloured oceans is nearby and two cruise ships attack each in a fierce battle.

You're in Chivalries Moor.
Several contrails streak across the blue sky and many ruined crates are scattered about.

You're in The Database of Toothbrushes.
Data clouds gently float around the area and little piles of toothbrushes are scattered about.

You're in Cave of Consuls.
A light breeze blows through the area and the area ahead has collapsed in.

You're in Socks Domain.
Loosely scattered clocks are floating around and the entire area is covered in shadow.

You're in a library in Palace of the Hummuses.
The sound of machinery comes from afar and the room is completely devoid of furniture.

You're on the deck of a steamboat in The Sea of the Doorknobs.
Floating groups of small, mauve lights dance about and a bright viridian light illuminates the area.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!