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You're in Oubliette of Sarongs.
The area ahead has collapsed in and the sound of a ticking clock comes from afar.

You're in The Withdrawal Router.
The sound of a ringing phone comes from nearby and an information highway stretches into the distance.

You're in The Amendments Web.
The sound of a ticking clock comes from afar and large piles of coins are scattered about.

You're on an islet in Pools of Torso.
Floating groups of small, sepia lights dance about and a huge, navy catamaran pulls into the pools.

You're in Sector of Year.
Everything has a blue tint to it and many years are scattered about.

You're on an asteroid base in Cloud of Maniacs.
There's a vast nothing in all directions and multitudes of ships busily warp in and out of the area.

You're in a furnace room in The House of the Publication.
A low wind blows through the area and empty bookcases line the walls.

You're floating in The Warp of Carriers.
A tiny, chartreuse star is nearby and a tiny frigate warps out of the area.

You're drifting in an escape pod in The Zone of the Peaks.
A tiny fleet of ships warp into the area and a large, black star is nearby.

You're in Antiquity Wood.
A half buried pile of concrete bricks is nearby and everything has a carmine tint to it.

You're in The Disconnections Grove.
Many disconnections are scattered about and a lone tree with fuchsia luminescent leaves grows nearby.

You're outside a sushi bar in The Port of Irrigations.
Loosely scattered cerise coloured pebbles are floating around and a cool, gentle rain falls with a low wind.

You're outside a church in Doorpost Mall.
A tiny, porcelain cow statue on a pedestal is nearby and the cloudless sky has an aqua hue.

You're in Borrowing Dreams.
Everything has an indigo tint to it and a small, bronze Helios bust is nearby.

You're in a utility room in The Pilgrims Citadel.
Vines with tiny, cobalt flowers on them grow everywhere and big, aquamarine doorways let in a dull light.

You're in an observation deck in Temple of the Compliment.
Loosely scattered compliments are floating in place and the room's decor has a sterile, ornate style.

You're in a cleanroom in The Building of Platform.
Patches of fresh, teal paint are scattered about and little vent grilles let in a dim, blue light.

You're in Crypt of the Bibliography.
A half buried pile of glass bricks is nearby and a pulsing ochre light periodically illuminates the area.

You're in The Savanna of Rocker.
Large piles of coins are scattered about and the sound of a ticking clock comes from above.

You're in a living room in Museum of the Cables.
A pulsing ochre light periodically illuminates the area and collections of small, cerise crystals are growing everywhere.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!