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there is truly nothing like starting a spread and flipping over the foundational "heart" card and it's Judgement.


honestly just wish I had a beer dude. one beer and an episode of TNG? no problem

me in the dining room shouting at leo who's washing their hands in the kitchen and hearing yerin sprint over from the work-from home office to add something while yael says "RIGHT?!??!" from the basement staircase

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and when i say "shouting conversations" what i mean is "loudly saying our thoroughly-reasoned thoughts so that people across the four rooms can hear us"

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the thing nobody realizes about our house is that we are constantly having shouting conversations across like four rooms

I forgot squarepusher did a cover of love will tear us apart. Yes. Yes. Yes

all saschas do is edit one line of code and then clear their cache and refresh

[color=purple][i]sucked[/i][/color] into the [color=purple][i]dimension[/i][/color]

i keep getting sucked into the dimension

i have some random gifs on my computer and they scare me because theyre not the kind i would have downloaded so i dont know why they're here

im going to turn xtine into aquarium gravel if he doesn't check his @s

[b][color=teal]What would you do if all of my "[color=red]toots[/color]" were styled like SBR text[/color][/b]

i have pinned some masto stuff on my page for easy reference btw

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!