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sry damir your layout was cute but i was about to freaking lose it

android update is making my phone run like shit and all my apps crash. thank you

holy fuck i am not damir! get outta here!

i really love squarepushers jazzy stuff. i want to make jazzy stuff


every day i wake up and the reality is as terrifying as the nightmare

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we were gonna start seeing each other like regularly at least 2x a week before all this stupid fucking shit went down

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Like it's gonna be socially distanced outside masked hangout but bro. That fucking sucks. it's been like 5 months since I've been able to see magpie!?!?!?! We used to see each other every fucking Friday evening

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Bro i am so fucking tired of all of this. even while feeling like I'm "coping well" I'm still like - tmrw I'm visiting a friend and I am just absolutely flat out terrified and keep getting the same like terror feeling as when I'm having a dream and I forgot to wear a mask

this edit isn't quite where i want it understand, don't you

the important thing for me is having it take place on a platform where i can like. have it accessible on mobile. The "have to boot up my computer and craft it while I'm on my computer" thing does inhibit me when I'm pain guy. It takes up a lot of space in my brain

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I do like doing prose RP but I have a hard time consistently keeping it moving

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I want to try doing a discord RP group or a like, plurk/masto/twitter/idk group -_-

I like only just realized I can do any color scheme I wish. The teal is cute but like. Imagine

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!