as more and more shitheads are emboldened and the facade of civility erodes, it's crucial to remember:

-create space for weirdness. embody weirdness. you will make other people who do not adhere to the norm comfortable
-know that what disgusts is not inherently harmful
-recognize real harm and its root causes, and not resort to petty infighting in the meantime
-move towards a theoretical Future, do not sacrifice it for a practical Now
-recognize that creating a world worth living in is more valuable than making more people to live in it
-not everything is for you. this is not a problem. it is actually beautiful

I am genuinely amazed by the number of people here (especially here!) who defend online advertising.

Especially those who posit that people who block ads are acting in an ethically questionable manner.

To each, their own, sure - they are welcome to their opinions, and an ad-infested web - but what a strange hill on which to die.

Blocking ads and trackers, and preserving one's attention, is self-care.

@nickcolley It took me a while to figure out how to write alt text.

I normally love writing, so this was hard for me. But then I realized that the problem wad that *I* didn't actually have a clear idea why I was posting the image.

Once I figured out that I needed to know *why* I was posting the image, it got a lot easier.

Is it a joke? Explain the joke.
Is it pretty? Paint a word picture.
Is it a graph? Say what's important about it.
Is it Caturday? Describe the cat.

i forgot my feed here was almost completely cats why did i ever leave

watching a video essay about the witchtok moon hex and it's hitting me like a truck. so embarrassing to look back on how concerned for the moon i was i thought it was the biggest problem ever lmao

If piracy is equivalent to “lost sales”, then why don’t media corporations record it on their public statements? They claim it happens, sure, but they never actually place it as an actual, reported loss – if they could, they would, trust me.

“Lost sales” are not even a legal fiction, but an actual fiction created as propaganda by media corporations.

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you know there's kind of a sweet irony in how people saying they support you being your "true and authentic self" are generally the first to say "no, not like that"

I mean, I'm excluding the bigots who are ignored entirely, but I'm also tired of people who performatively say they support authenticity and think of authenticity as like, being "normal," when that is in fact the opposite of authenticity

reminder: riseup and protonmail have snitched before 

"People use rise up under the impression that they wouldn’t cooperate with law enforcement but 8 years ago they buckled under pressure and handed over info to the FBI"

"If you choose to keep using rise up just be aware of this. if it’s a dealbreaker consider alternatives. Some are listed at"

"Protonmail also complies with cops and has specifically done so against anticapitalists."

i wake up every day and choose copyright infringement

in the recent shaun video he talked about Those Who Walk Away From Omelas, where the premise is could you tolerate a utopian society if it meant just a single child had to be left in eternal suffering to maintain it

while I wouldn't in the way it's presented, I would if that child were bill gates or elon musk tbh

like if we have to put billionaires in eternal torment to maintain our society, that's a bonus actually

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!